45 Benefits Of Eating Banana, But When And How To Eat Should Be Known.

45 Benefits Of Eating Banana, But When And How To Eat Should Be Known.
There are many benefits of banana, but when and how to eat banana should be known. Learn the benefits of banana and how to eat it in this article. Eating bananas on a daily basis can prevent many diseases and provide good health. Banana is the most consumed fruit in the world. India is the largest banana producing country in the world.Banana contains iron element easily found in the blood. Anemia patients must eat bananas because eating bananas increases hemoglobin in the blood.Banana contains elements like vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin B6, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid.Bone is strong by eating banana, eat banana daily. Bananas contain special probiotic bacteria whose function is to absorb calcium from food and strengthen bones.

Banana for brain – 

It is good to eat banana before the exam because the potassium found in it keeps the brain alert and alert. Banana is a great source of vitamin B6 which sharpens the mind and memory, as well as strengthens the nervous system.

When to eat banana - 

It is suitable to eat banana before and after gym or in the evening to get relief from the tiredness of the day.

Right time to eat Banana - 

Banana should not be eaten on an empty stomach in the morning. Instead, eat it with breakfast. If you have eaten more spicy food at night, then eat a banana after eating. With this, you will be saved from heartburn, stomach ulcers due to acidity.You can eat banana before sleeping at night. It gives good sleep and does not feel hungry at night. But if you have a problem of asthma, cold, cold, then do not eat banana in the evening or at night.

45 Benefits Of Eating Banana, But When And How To Eat Should Be Known.

How to eat banana - 

You can eat banana by adding it to cornflakes or cereals. You can eat banana anytime throughout the day. If desired, cut banana in oats and milk and mix nuts like soaked almonds, walnuts, raisins together.Many people drink Banana Mill Shake but according to Ayurveda this is wrong. Either drink milk after eating banana or eat banana after drinking milk. Do not mix both.

benefits of eating ripe banana-

Benefits of eating banana for stomach - 

Banana removes acidity and keeps the digestion process fine. Stomach and intestinal inflammation are also removed by eating banana. The probiotic bacteria in banana heals the stomach. The pastein element found in banana keeps constipation away.Banana increases gastric fire, meaning eating banana increases appetite. Banana is very beneficial in diarrhea, eating 2 bananas with curd provides relief in dysentery, diarrhea.

Hemorrhoids treatment with banana-

Make an incision in the middle of the banana and eat a banana by keeping desi camphor equal to one gram. It will be beneficial in the treatment of piles.

Banana for stomach ulcer-

Gives great relief in this disease. Banana forms a thick protective mucus layer in the stomach which helps in healing the wound. Along with this, the protease element relieves the ulcer-causing bacteria found in the stomach.Magnesium is found in banana, due to which the banana gets digested quickly. Banana maintains metabolism and reduces cholesterol.If you get indigestion by eating more bananas, then eat cardamom, you will get relief.Brown spots on bananas mean that the banana starch has completely converted into natural sugars. Such a banana is easily digested.

Banana is beneficial for face - 

Many face masks can be made from banana, which are beneficial for different skin.

benefits of banana and honey-

For dry skin, apply a face pack of banana and honey. Mix 1 teaspoon honey in half ripe banana. Apply it on face and neck. Wash off after 15 minutes. Your face will become soft and soft.If there is no honey, then mash a ripe banana and apply it on the face. Leave it on for 20-25 minutes, then wash it off with lukewarm water.

Banana and Oats –

Apply banana and oats face mask to remove blackheads and dead skin. Mix half a banana in a bowl of oats and apply it on the face. After 10 minutes, rub it with water and remove it with light hands.

Banana and milk

Mash a banana and mix it with milk and apply it on the face. Wash off after 15-20 minutes. There will be a glow and glow on the face.

45 Benefits Of Eating Banana, But When And How To Eat Should Be Known.

Banana and Turmeric –

Banana turmeric face pack is beneficial to get rid of the problem of acne. Mash a banana, mix one teaspoon turmeric powder, lemon juice and apply it on the face. Wash off after drying.

Get fat because of the benefits of eating banana and milk - Banana for weight gain 

Banana and milk is a great way to gain weight. To gain weight, mix banana, milk, honey and a pinch of cardamom powder and drink banana shake every morning or drink milk from above after eating a banana. Weight gain is achieved by eating banana and honey.

Benefits of Banana for Gym, Workout - 

You must have seen gym goers eating bananas. Eating banana daily before and after gym or after eating food strengthens the muscles and digestion is also good.

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