Ever started work by selling wife's jewelry, JUST DIAL dominated the country.. became the owner of thousand crores

Ever started work by selling wife's jewelry, JUST DIAL dominated the country.. became the owner of thousand crores

Everyone has some goal in life. Every person makes every effort to achieve his goal. Achieving goals in life also requires hard work and the right strategy. Equally interesting is the story of VSS Mani, who has not only fulfilled his dreams but has also given jobs to thousands of people. Mani started his business from a garage and became the owner of a multi-crore company like Just Dial.

Ever started work by selling wife's jewelry, JUST DIAL dominated the country.. became the owner of thousand crores

VSS Mani hails from Jamshedpur, but was brought up in Kolkata. The financial condition of the house was not good. Because of this, he had to leave his studies in the middle. To support the family, he started working as a salesman in the Yellow Pages. While working in the company, he thought of doing business.

He started his business by starting a company named ASKME. He did not get success in this and he closed this business. Learning from the mistakes he made in it, he laid the foundation of Just Dior in 1994. He needed money and for this he sold his wife's jewelry and invested 50 thousand rupees. He made a profit of 2 to 3 lakhs from this company in a few months.

Ever started work by selling wife's jewelry, JUST DIAL dominated the country.. became the owner of thousand crores

Just Dior has become the most used website in India. Mani from this company spread across the country. Today this company has become a company of more than 2200 crores. Day by day the company is making quadruple growth. Due to the high focus on customers, they are consistently making profits.

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