Skin Care: Watermelon and honey pack brings glow on the skin in summer, prepare this way at home

Skin Care: Watermelon and honey pack brings glow on the skin in summer, prepare this way at home
Honey and watermelon will hydrate the skin as well as remove facial wrinkles and bring a glow to the face.

In summer, strong sunlight, hot winds and harmful rays of the sun take away all the color of the skin. In this season the skin starts looking dry and lifeless. Due to the lack of essential nutrients in the skin, the complexion of the skin starts to fade. To improve the complexion of the skin, we often go to the parlor for cosmetic treatment, whose effect lasts for a few days. After a few days, the skin starts looking lifeless again.

If you also go out of the house everyday, then you need to take special care of your skin. Every day your skin is exposed to strong sunlight, hot winds and harmful rays of the sun, so it is important to protect the skin. To maintain the glow of the skin and to nourish the skin, apply a pack of watermelon and honey in summer.

As much as it is tasty and beneficial to eat watermelon, it is equally useful for the skin. It keeps the skin hydrated and removes dryness of the skin. Honey acts as a tonic on the skin. Applying this pack brings glow to the skin. Let us know what are the benefits of applying a pack of watermelon and honey to the skin and how to prepare it.

How Watermelon brings glow on the face: Watermelon proves to be very effective in bringing glow to the skin. Rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C, watermelon hydrates the skin and boosts collagen. Vitamin C is very useful for the skin. It reduces the amount of melanin in the skin and brightens the skin tone. Watermelon pack is very effective in improving the complexion of the skin.

How to prepare watermelon pack:


two tablespoons watermelon juice two spoons honey

To make a watermelon pack, take two spoons of watermelon juice in a bowl and add two spoons of honey to it. Mix both the things well. Apply the prepared paste on the face for 20 minutes. Wash the face with cold water after 20 minutes. The honey and watermelon used in this pack will hydrate the skin. Removes facial wrinkles and brings glow to the face.

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