Actress Priyanka Chopra, who has proved her acting skills from Bollywood to Hollywood, does not need any introduction. Priyanka Chopra is one of the most famous and talented actresses in the industry. At present, Priyanka Chopra is recognized as a global star. Priyanka Chopra has given many superhit films in her film career. On the other hand, the actress is paying full attention to her personal life as well.
Priyanka Chopra is not only a great actor, but also a great mother. This is the reason why Priyanka Chopra is often seen spending quality time with her husband Nick Jonas and daughter Malti Jonas. Priyanka Chopra is often seen spending quality and happy moments with her daughter Malti. Shares pictures on social media and keeps users updated.
Meanwhile, a photo and a video of Priyanka Chopra and her daughter Malti are becoming increasingly viral on social media, in which the actress is crossing the road with her daughter Malti sitting on her shoulder. Actually, this picture and video has been shared by Priyanka Chopra's husband Nick Jonas on his Instagram account. In this post, he has also shared the video, in which it can be clearly seen that Priyanka Chopra is crossing the road having fun with daughter Malti.