Sometimes to save time, he used to sleep only with shoes on; Today is the owner of 9 lakh crore rupees

Sometimes to save time, he used to sleep only with shoes on; Today is the owner of 9 lakh crore rupees

Bill Gates, one of the richest people in the world, says that if you are born poor it is not your fault, if you die poor it is your fault. Bill Gates himself says that if you want to do something different in life, then read the biography of such people who have done something different. If you do this then you will have the ability to think like them and you will also be able to do some great work.

Became the world's youngest billionaire in 31 years

When Bill Gates turned 18, he enrolled at Harvard University on the advice of his father. But here Bill Gates did not feel like it and he left his college studies in the middle. Bill Gates left Harvard at the age of 21 and started Microsoft and Bill Gates became the world's youngest billionaire at the age of just 31.

Then later Harvard University awarded him a doctorate degree. From 1995 to 2007, Bill Gates was the richest person in the world for 13 consecutive years. The prestigious magazine Forbes has published the report of the world's richest man 23 times and Bill Gates as the richest person 17 times.

Bill Gates used to sleep only wearing shoes

When Bill Gates used to study, he used to sleep wearing shoes only. When asked the reason for this, he said that it would be a waste of time to open the shoe and wear it again. He used to sleep in the office many times. The reason behind this was that they would do a lot of work in the time it would take to go home and then come back.

Bill Gates told who is richer than him

Sometimes to save time, he used to sleep only with shoes on; Today is the owner of 9 lakh crore rupees
Bill Gates was once at the airport and Bill bought a newspaper. Then he had 100 dollars but the newspaper seller did not have any leave. Then he said that later give the money. After about 3 months the same thing happened again. Then Bill Gates had $100 and the vendors still didn't have any spares. Time passed and Bill Gates became the richest man in the world.

Once he remembered both these incidents and after a lot of hard work he found the seller. Bill told them both the stories and said that you can ask for whatever you want. The seller showed honesty and did not take a single penny. When Bill Gates was asked whether there is anyone richer than him, he said that the seller of the newspaper is richer than him. Because they are still buried in the debt of his two newspapers.

The net worth of Mr. Bill Gates is estimated to be USD 12,590 million (USD $125.9 billion), which is approximately 9.80 lakh crore Indian rupees in Indian currency.

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